Ca răspuns la recenta privarea de libertate a unui suporter ISIS, care este din Bury Park, Britain First a organizat prima Patrulă Creştină de-a lungul High Street și a întâlnit ostilitate feroce din partea musulmanilor locali.

Ce a urmat a fost o privire șocantă în contextul islamizării britanice. Activiștii au fost atacați și loviţi cu ouă. Abuzul verbal a fost la ordinea zilei.




VIDEO: BRITAIN FIRST CARRIES OUT CHRISTIAN PATROL IN ISLAMIST HOTSPOT BURY PARK, LUTONBury Park in Luton is an area notorious for Islamic extremists, ISIS fanatics, hate preachers and terrorists.It is perhaps the worst hotspot in the whole country for Islamists.In response to the recent imprisonment of an ISIS supporter (who is from Bury Park) Britain First carried out a "Christian Patrol" along the High Street and encountered ferocious hostility from local Muslims.What followed was a shocking look into the Islamisation of our beloved country.Our activists were attacked and pelted with eggs. Verbal abuse was rife. Muslims claimed they have "taken over" Luton and the UK. This is the future of Britain.

Posted by Britain First on Saturday, January 23, 2016