Cum să câştigi 4,8 milioane de dolari. Cel mai nou tip de fraudă electronică

“Propunere de afaceri”, aşa sună subiectul unui e-mail care circulă în prezent pe internet şi care reprezintă un nou tip de fraudă electronică prin care cybercriminalii încearcă să-i înşele pe internauţii naivi.

Potențialele victime primesc un e-mail cu propunere de afaceri de “strictă confidenţialitate”din partea unui funcţionar de bancă. Acesta a intrat recent în posesia unei sume de 10,2 milioane de dolari pe care este dispus să îi împartă cu destinatarul emailului.

Acestuia i se cere iniţial numele complet adresa şi numărul de telefon. Utilizatatorului i se promite suma 4,8 milioane de dolari. În următoarele mesaje, internatutul trebuie să trimită o sumă de bani într-un anumit cont. Totul este o înşelătorie. Nu deveniţi o victimă.

Iată cum sună mesajul în limba română

Sunt doamna Marie Aquino ofiterului de cont de Banco de ORO UNIIVERSAL BANK în interiorul Filipine, am nevoie de ajutorul dumneavoastră pentru a transfera ($ 10.2Million)

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Documentului pentru mai multe

Detalii despre această tranzacţie .. Întoarce-te la mine cât mai curând posibil. Va rugam sa-mi dacă sunt în imposibilitatea de a vizualiza acest document, ca urmare a Microsoft cuvânt version. Please răspuns înapoi la mine în Anglia.

Cu respect,
Dna Marie AquinoE-mail:

Scrisoarea în limba engleză

I am MRS. MARIE AQUINO, REGIONAL AUDITOR OFFICER BANCO DE ORO UNIVERSAL BANK.  I am a top official in charge of client accounts in (EQUITABLE PCI BANK) which is now BANCO DE ORO UNIVERSAL BANK inside the Philippines.

In 2001, my client was going through a horrendous divorce in the United States of America and was on the verge of losing most of his estate to his vicious and diabolical wife. As a result of this alarming predicament, my client came to me with a very brilliant idea. He transferred some funds, ten million two  hundred thousand dollars($10.2m) to a fixed deposit account in my bank under an alias which only the two of us knew about as the confidentiality of the  matter was necessary for his protection.

I located you through an agency that helps seek people by their email. My client did not declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper work of his bank deposit. Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that I would like you as a foreigner to stand as the next of kin to our client so that you will be able to receive this fund.

I want you to know that I have had everything planned out so that we can come out successful. Due to the nature of the funds and the circumstances surrounding the claim I have arranged and the funds have been conveyed to a security firm in the United Kingdom this is because I want the funds to get to you without questioning and to avoid much expense. I will want you to get back to me immediately so that I can make the necessary arrangements for the funds to be delivered to you through diplomatic means as consignments.

It will be easy for the funds (consignments) to be delivered to you from the United Kingdom. All that is required from you at this stage is for you to provide me with your Full Names and Address and telephone number.

The allocation of our money will be as follows: 40%($4.08m) to you for your part in this, 50% for me and 10% will be for any expenses during the movement of  the funds to you, Your urgent response is highly anticipated so please email me through this email address () for more details on this transaction as soon as possible. This should be kept very secret and confidential.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind Regards,
Mrs. Marie Aquino